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The Nutraceuticals are nutraceutics-acting substances that act as "food drugs" and are therefore effective within functional foods.Nutraceuticals are food substances with proven beneficial and protective characteristics towards both physical and psychological health of the individual. This term was invented many years ago by Dr. Stephen L. De Felice, combining the terms "Nutrition" and "Pharmaceutical", came to the definition "nutraceutical", to indicate a food substance that, for its properties is just at the edge-limit in between the food and the drug.These healthy properties can also be added to certain foods through the addition of proactive substances to good psychophysical functioning and to the general health of the person, such as Omega 3 to milk or eggs or vitamins Cereal flakes. In this way, the virtues of these foods add up those of polyunsaturated fatty acids, thus obtaining nutraceuticals or functional foods rich in healthy molecules. In reality, one should distinguish between nutraceutical and functional food  or even a ' Pharma food ', where the first indicates a specific substance extracted from foods with certain medicinal qualities, While the second means a real (or fortified) food that directly shows beneficial properties through its introduction into the dieting food.The two typologies, nutraceutical and functional food, are not, however, so different, distant and divisible, indeed they are often used in a mutual way as synonymous.Certain foods in fact contain numerous nutraceutical substances, so that they can also be definable nutraceuticals; An example is the called "Protonutrients in which there are numerous nutritional principles such as aminoacids, essential fatty acids, antioxidants, mineral salts, vitamins, etc. with preventive and supportive characteristics with respect to multiple psycho-physical problems and which often go to constitute Organic parts of the various body apparatuses and/or to mediate the production of additional fundamental substances or also to allow specific its vital functions.For what is said, Nutraceuticals are not nutritional supplements, but rather of biological substances, usually concentrated, having preventive, rebalancing, therapeutic and protective characteristics at psycho-physiological level, contained in certain Food. Or they also define the foods themselves that are marked by the presence of these beneficial substances.{/slider}These foods, as mentioned, take the name of functional foods or Farmalimenti, and associate to the nutritional factors the pharmaceutical properties of natural active ingredients. In this way they integrate nutrition at their best and at the same time enrich and supplement them by providing useful molecules against possible diseases, ageing, external negative agents, free radicals, psycho-physical stress, etc. and also often Essential to the general functioning of the body and the mind.The following nutraceutical factors are included in the Longlife Nutrition Style :

Substance better known as Vitamin C having great antioxidant properties. In this way it keeps away toxic substances such as Free Radicals, also has the function of synthesizing amino acids, collagen and hormones. His other actions are to strengthen the blood vessels, protect the dermal apparatus and facilitate situations of stress, mood and nervousness. Vitamin C is present in foods such as: fresh fruit and vegetables; in particular citrus fruits, strawberries, berries, peppers, tomatoes, kiwi, green leafy vegetables.
Molecules that make up most Lipids. They have a protective action on the cardiovascular system, preventing deposits of "bad" cholesterol, triglycerides and blood clots, and are fundamental components and mediators of the nervous system, also providing protection. Moreover they keep the cell membrane elastic and permeable, they keep the dermal apparatus in good condition and mediate the production of other substances essential to the functioning and to the organic well-being. Omega 3 and 6 are also called Vitamin F and are found in foods such as crustaceans, nuts, legumes, cod liver oil, seed oils, olive oil, fish, oil seeds, currants, eggs, grapes, saffron , green leafy vegetables.
Nutrient lipid substance with great antioxidant function. It facilitates the transport of glucose into the cell and the general functioning of the nerve pathways. It is also called Vitamin N and is present in foods such as red meat, liver, potatoes, green leafy vegetables.
Substances of natural origin with the function of providing colors and shades to plants (including fruits and vegetables), and belonging to the group of so-called bioflavonoids. Specifically, they are the authors of the blue, purple, red and pink colors and, in addition to the chromatic tone, they provide protection against external harmful agents. In this way they are also proactive for the protection of the health of the human body, given their strong antioxidant power, in particular for the cardiovascular and dermal system. Anthocyanins are found in foods such as beets, onions, berries, grapes.
Active ingredient extracted from the Coffee Plant. It has a stimulating and toning action on the nervous system, inducing the release of Adrenalin and Noradrenaline. In this way, a psychological and cognitive and physical activation and toning takes place.
Aminoacid with the function of Tryptophan Coenzyme, another important amino acid important for the functioning and maintenance of the neuropsychic apparatus in health. It is also called Vitamin L.
Essential nutrient for the metabolism of amino acids, phospholipids and red blood cells, for neuropsychic development and for the DNA synthesis. It is also called Vitamin M and is present in foods such as oranges, liver, legumes, brewer's yeast, rice, green leafy vegetables, eggs.
Substances with powerful antioxidant, antiviral, immunostimulatory and immunoprotective action. They also assist and enhance the functions of Vitamin C (so to be called also Vitamin C2). These molecules participate in the color differences of many types of fruit and vegetables, going to make up their peculiar pigments with other substances. Bioflavonoids are also called Vitamin P and are present in foods such as garlic, citrus fruits, apricots, cocoa, cabbage, onions, apples, tomatoes, spinach. They can also be found in drinks such as: fruit juice, tea, wine.
Aminoacid precursor of the neurotransmitter Acetylcholine and producer of energy through its action on fat metabolism. In this way, this molecule is able to favor resistance to stress and fatigue, as well as recovery from them; it is in fact widely used in preparation and athletic-sporting performance. It is synthesized in the liver and in particular there are foods such as red meat and entrails.
Substances, such as Beta-carotene, Lycopene and Lutein, precursors of Vitamin A and with constitutive, mediating and protective functions vis-à-vis the visual apparatus, dermal and immune. They also have good antioxidant properties. They are present in particular in orange, yellow or red fruits and vegetables and green leaf like citrus, apricot, watermelon, carrots, berries, melon, peppers, tomatoes, spinach, pumpkin, etc.
Coenzyme molecule of lipid origin. It has good antioxidant and oxygen transport properties at the level of cellular mitochondria; in this way it favors the synthesis and the production of energy. It is also called Vitamin Q.
Lipid-derived molecule precursor of Acetylcholine, Neurotransmitter involved in psycho-cognitive processes such as calculation, memory, reasoning , concentration, thought, attention, etc. It is also called Vitamin J.
Composite intermediate of the metabolic processes responsible for the production of energy, fundamental to muscle activity and produced by the liver starting from the Amino Acids Arginine, Glycine and Methionine. It is often used as a sports supplement or in vegetarian diets and is present in a fair amount in fish and meat, which is a natural constituent (the name derives from the Greek "kres", or "meat"). The need for Creatine is covered by internal mechanisms of synthesis, but also by nutrition and its functions are to improve the strength, resistance and recovery of the muscles by providing them energy, as well as to the brain and the heart, in moments of greater demand or in situations of fatigue and physical exhaustion.
Curcumin boasts numerous beneficial properties for health: there are over 3000 in vitro, in vivo and human studies relating to the benefits of turmeric and curcumin. In some in vitro studies, curcumin has demonstrated anti-inflammatory activity due to the inhibition of the anthraquinone acid cascade and the release of substances involved in the inflammation processes. Also in vitro, curcumin showed antioxidant action by reducing lipid peroxidation induced by pro-oxidants. Drug-induced hepatotoxicity protection has also been demonstrated. In vivo studies have shown how low-dose curcumin protects against induced ulcer. Also in vivo, the cholagogue and choleretic action of curcumin and the relationship between curcumin intake and tumor proliferation was demonstrated, highlighting a protective effect of curcumin with respect to proliferation, invasion, angiogenesis of different types of tumors. Human studies have confirmed the anti-ulcer and anti-inflammatory action and the reduction of dyspeptic disorders associated with taking curcumin. Curcumin has also been extensively studied for its benefits in the case of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and studies are underway on a possible use of curcumin for the treatment of depression.
Sugar monosaccharide contained in the cell and is part of important structures such as ribonucleic acid (RNA) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP). It is therefore an organically fundamental substance for the proper functioning of the metabolic mechanisms of the individual. It is also indicated in times of fatigue, for sports and for physical endurance, given its direct effects on protein synthesis and energy metabolism.
Monosaccharide sugar characteristic of most fruits (hence the name) and honey and very important for different metabolic processes of the body and for the production of further substances essential for energy, functioning and well-being both psychic and physiological. It is in fact converted to hepatic or intestinal levels in glucose.
Natural molecules with powerful antioxidant action (anti free radicals), anti inflammatory and inhibiting some enzymes responsible for the production of inflammatory substances. They also have a mediating and stimulating (dopaminergic) action on neuropsychological mechanisms and dynamics. Ficocianins are present in green and blue algae such as Spirulina ("Arthospira platensis") or red alga ("Rhodophyta"), belonging to the "Cyanobacteria" family. The name Ficocinanina derives from the Greek "phyco", that is "alga" and "kyanos", or "cyan color" (green-blue).
Sugar monosaccharide precursor of glycosylated proteins (glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans) and lipids (glycolipids). These substances are fundamental in the constitution of the structure of cartilages and tendon tissues and in counteracting their aging and degeneration (for example arthritis, arthritis, etc.). Glucosamine can also be useful to help rebuild damaged cartilage and, as mentioned, to counter diseases or senile problems at the osteoarticular level.
Substance precursor of Tryptophan, in turn Aminoacid essential precursor of Serotonin. It is present in high concentrations in Griffonia.
Simple sugar similar to Group B Vitamins; in fact it is also called Vitamin B7. It has a constituent, stimulating, nourishing and strengthening action on the nervous system and has fundamental functions of growth and nourishment of brain and bone marrow cells and nerve transmission. It works in synergy with folic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin, choline, PABA and vitamin B6 (combined with choline protects the liver, kidneys and cardio-circulatory system, counteracting the obstruction of the vessels through an action on the metabolism of fats and therefore cholesterol level in the blood). This substance also facilitates the reduction of anxiety, depression and / or stress. It is found in foods like: citrus fruits, meat, whole grains, liver, fresh fruit, dried fruit, wheat germ, brewer's yeast.
Compounds of plant origin, part of the larger family of phyto-structures with coloring and protection functions defined as Bioflavonoids. Unlike them, however, the Isoflavones are devoid of color and present almost exclusively in leguminous plants. They possess medium-light estrogenic effects through their molecules (Daidzein, Genistein, Glycitein), so as to be grouped into the so-called "phytoestrogens" category, on the basis of their structures and functions, similar to those of organic estrogens. In this way these substances participate in the protection from some cancerous forms replacing the Estrogens, as for example in the case of breast cancer, more likely in women with high levels of these hormones. The Isoflavones also counteract bad cholesterol, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, side effects of menopause (eg hot flashes) and are found in foods such as chickpeas, whole grains, beans, beans, fennel, lentils, soybeans (the famous "Isoflavones" of soya ").
Substance belonging to the group of Carotenoids, or compounds that participate in the color of the plants and their fruits, which gives the tomato its characteristic color red and with a strong antioxidant and anti-tumor action. It also has preventive functions on possible cardiovascular and / or neurodegenerative diseases due to aging, functioning as a natural anti-age. The Carotenoids, and therefore also the Lycopene, are, as mentioned, powerful anti-oxidants thanks to their peculiar action of free radical scavengers. The antioxidant function of Lycopene is also proactive in the prevention of cardiovascular problems, counteracting the oxidation of cholesterol and therefore the formation of dangerous atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels. Lycopene is particularly present in tomatoes (its percentage is higher in the more mature and therefore more red tomatoes) and clearly in its derivatives such as sauce, kutchup or tomato concentrate. These tomato derivatives have even more percentage of Lycopene, as cooking and processing stabilize and increase the assimilable molecules of this carotenoid. Lycopene is also found in watermelon, melon, orange, grapefruit, papaya, guava, apricot and carrots.
Substance formed by the fermentation of colonies of micro unicellular organisms. The brewer's yeast has the characteristic of being a rich source of a wide variety of basic nutritional principles for well-being and psycho-physical health. These nutrients contained in it are: Amino Acids, Carbohydrates, Proteins, Mineral Salts, Vitamins.
Water soluble carbohydrates industrially obtained by breaking down corn or potato starch, or by their chemical-physical digestion (called hydrolysis). The advantages are shorter digestion and assimilation times than those of complex and longer sugars compared to other simple sugars (Glucose or Fructose) so that the availability of energy is fast, but also protracted over time (without excessively raising the glycaemia ). In this way these substances are suitable for athletes or for intense physical activity or physiological recovery from it. On the market there are also Maltodextrin supplements added with Mineral Salts and / or Vitamins.
Molecule of plant originary belonging to the group of phyto-molecules called Policosanoli. Presents energetic action and protective function at cardio-circulatory level by inhibiting a specific enzyme at the base of cholesterol synthesis. It is present in wheat germ oil and in the outer part of multiple fruits of various plants, it is in fact part of the so-called Policosanoli, or a large group of phyto-molecules that make up the plants.
A plant-based molecule belonging to the bark of the maritime pine. It has a powerful antioxidant action and in particular it is composed of a mix of Bioflavonoids called oligomeric Proanthocyanidins, ie consisting of several units (OPC, acronym of "Oligomeric Proantho Cyanidis"), also called Leucoantocianine or, indeed, Picnogenols. These substances have antioxidant functions useful in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases (toning and keeping the vessels elastic) and dermal diseases (also protecting against possible damage caused by overexposure to ultraviolet rays), and finally problems due to aging. Furthermore, the Picnogenols favor the activity of Vitamin C and E, which are also endowed with important anti-oxidation virtues. Picnogenol is found in particularly high percentages in the bark of the maritime pine, in the seeds of red grapes and in green tea.
A mixture of phyto-molecules made up of long chain fatty alcohols; the main ones are Octosanolo, Tetracosanolo and Esacosanolo. They have medicinal properties such as lowering the "bad" cholesterol (LDL), by reducing an enzyme at the base of its production, and the percentage of triglycerides, as well as performing antiplatelet action at the blood level, reducing the risk of the formation of obstructions in the blood vessels. Policosanols also have important antioxidant functions and therefore are effective in contrasting free radicals; they can be found in particular in sugar cane and wheat germ, from where they are industrially extracted to form supplements based on these substances.
Vast group of organic compounds of vegetable origin which, although not taking part in the metabolic processes of animal organisms, are considered an important component of the human diet for their antioxidant action. They are characterized by the presence of one or more phenolic rings and this makes them responsible, together with other compounds, of the color of many fruits, an essential property in the propagation of the seed by fruit-bearing animals. Their most important function, however, is to protect plants from the oxidative risk posed by sunlight and other environmental agents. For the same reason they contribute to the preservation of the organoleptic properties of food derivatives of vegetable origin
Molecules under group of Bioflavonoids with strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action. According to their chemical structure they are subdivided into monomeric, dimeric, oligomeric and polymeric. They have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant functions, facilitating protection and cardiovascular, dermal and ocular health and counteracting possible infections and chronic or senile diseases due to free radicals. For example, they inhibit the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and preserve the integrity, elasticity and permeability of the cell membrane. Proanthocyanidins are found in many vegetables and fruits such as elderberries, cabbage, strawberries, raspberries, aubergines, apples, blueberries, blackberries, currants, teas, grapes and also in wine, contributing to their colorations and shades of color.
Microorganisms present in yogurt and other fermented foods. They have a proactive and protective action on the intestinal system and on the microflora that distinguishes it, restoring normal physiological parameters after any discomfort and / or gastrointestinal problems or acting as a protection against them.
Substance of plant origin of the Polyphenols family and with a great antioxidant property. It therefore has important protective functions against cardiovascular diseases. Resveratrol is found in the grape skin and in wine (in a higher percentage in red) produced by the Vine Plant (for example from the common "Vitis vinifera"), where it plays a role of protection against external agents such as microorganisms (bacteria or mushrooms) and sunrays.
The main characteristic of minerals lies in their impossibility of being synthesized autonomously by living beings. Contrary to what happens for example with other vital substances (such as lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, etc. ...), minerals have an obligation to search for them in vegetables, vegetables, fruit and legumes. In reality, the need for minerals is really minimal, but constant, and the organism's task is to make up for the dispersion that occurs daily through sweat, urine and feces. Just think that minerals represent only 6.2% of body weight overall but, despite the negligible figure, they suffer continuous shortcomings and imbalances in the modern diet.
Sterols are generally chemical compounds of animal origin, called Zoosterols (eg Cholesterol) or vegetable, called Phytosterols (eg Campesterol, Sitosterol or the Stigmasterolo). All have essential organic roles, for example Cholesterol is a fundamental component of the cell membrane. In particular, plant Sterols have properties useful for the health of the individual, in fact they are able to block the absorption of "bad" cholesterol (LDL) at the intestinal level, to the full advantage of the cardiovascular system, where the excess of this substance can constitute dangerous and harmful obstructions of blood vessels. Phytosterols can be integrated with food and therefore through the consumption of vegetables and derivatives such as olive oil, soy, rice, etc. .
Aminoacid with a nourishing and stimulating action on a psycho-physical level, improving the transport of glucose at the cellular level, it also has some anti free radicals action . Taurina owes its name to the fact that it was discovered in the bull's bile; it is still present in many other animals and serves them for cellular adjustments and mechanisms, as well as for humans. Specifically, it plays a crucial role in the synthesis of bile acids, which facilitate the elimination of cholesterol, also participates in the regularization of nerve transmission and in the maintenance of the cell membrane, finally has nutritional, stimulating and antioxidant properties, facilitating the psychophysiological functions and countering cardiovascular diseases, stress and aging. Taurine is present in foods such as meat, milk, fish and eggs, but it can also be synthesized internally by two other amino acids, Cysteine ​​and Methionine.
Aminoacid with dopaminergic and serotoninergic action and with good anti-stress function. It is present in the tea.
Active ingredient extracted from the Tea Plant. It has a stimulating and anti-stress action on the nervous system.
Essential amino acid precursor of Serotonin.
{slider=Vitamins} Organic compounds and nutrients essential for neuropsychological and physiological health. They allow and participate in fundamental bio-chemical processes of the organism, mediate the production of many crucial organic substances and are precursors of further indispensable molecules. They also have important antioxidant functions. Among the main vitamins there are: Vitamins of the B group, Vitamin C (or Ascorbic Acid), Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K. N.B. The intake of certain nutraceuticals and / or functional foods, which may result in supplemental psycho-physical help in some particular cases, should be recommended, prescribed and followed by a doctor.

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