Mar, Oct 22, 2024

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Nowadays in the modern developed society there is widespread perception that in the civilized world there is a certainty of sufficient food for everyone.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

This does not always correspond to the truth, also due to economic differences but for a high percentage of the most developed countries, fortunately it is.  The detailed information about what is eaten, and the set of qualitative attributes that products receive on the market, in compliance with sanitary and dietary norms and objectives (the health properties currently being re-proposed by the media), has generated the general know how, on many of the characteristics of what we eat.   On the other hand, lifestyles and "diet" fashions, based precisely on the biological effects of nutrients, as well as the diets prescribed by regimens of care, end up profoundly influencing our alimentary behavior.

We must be aware that food, in terms of nutrients and preparations, of the mix and quantity taken on, acts on the organism and on its degree of well-being. It can influence our life, and this is not little! It can induce wellness or discomfort, being therapeutic or toxic; in some cases a food becomes even risky due to the reactions it provokes, although very pleasant on the palate!

Far from the 'hunger food', today we can definitely interpret the vital need of food as a function to be exploited to the full, careful to its consumption, if we consider that the offer for all products of large distribution, undergoes strong sales pushes. It is up to us to choose what, how much, when and how to take a food: whether to integrate our nutrition for biological necessity with all the constituents, those useful for the organism, deciding therefore how to confer wellness and comfort to our body.  We should also always keep in mind the degree of stress in which we are, that is, our subjective physiological capacities of the moment and a certain measure in the pleasure of eating, to optimize the cenestesis.  The goal, therefore, is to provide the substrates useful to our body without poisoning or weighing it, clearly satisfying the healthy taste: this really, can make us preserve health for a long time. 

So how can we do it? Choosing  the Longlife Nutrition Style  we can feed not only to "feed ourselves", but to keep ourselves every day in good health, ingesting only food rich in proactive essentials that have proven to be able to make us live longer.

The selection of foods of the Longlife Nutrition Style, through criteria that consider the production method, contents, preparation and a correct assortment of foods, proposes a nutrition that follows personalized food rhythms and gastronomy: in essence, it allows everyone, according to canons natural diet, to eat healthy and with a style for longevity, eliminating bad habits.

Feeding with the Longlife Nutrition Style reduces food-related health risks and enhances our regenerative capabilities, extending our lives!

So, at the end of the day ... eating according to the Longlife Nutrition Style, isn't a good idea?


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Where we are
Our office is currently located in Rome, Italy (EU) and Miami, FL (USA)


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Our Philosophy


Long Life Nutrition Style will be present at the next Food Conventions in USA

Long Life Nutrition Style will be present at the next Food Conventions in Europe